Concrete Columns Design Problem 1 - Design a short concrete column:
Design a short spiral column to carry a factored load of 375 kips. Use 3000 psi concrete and 40,000 psi steel.
1. From the concrete columns submenu open the column area calculation, ColumnArea.aspx. Input the "Title" of the calculation, the "Designer/Checker" information and the variables.
Click on the "Calculate" button and read the results. The gross area, Ag = 178.307. The outside column diameter, Dg = 15.067 in. The column core diameter, Dc = 12.067 in. The steel reinforcement area, Ast = 3.566 sq in. Use Dg = 15.25 in and Dc = 12.25 in.

2. Next, from the concrete columns submenu open the column spiral reinforcement ratio calculation, SpiralReinfRatio.aspx. Input the "Title" of the calculation, the "Designer/Checker" information and the variables.
Use Ag = 3.14159((15.25)^2)/4 = 182.654 sq in and Ac = 3.14159((12.25)^2)/4 = 117.859 sq in. Click on the "Calculate" button and read the results. The reinforcement ratio, ps = 0.0186.

3. Next determine the spiral pitch. From the concrete columns submenu open the concrete columns spiral pitch calculation, Spiralpitch.aspx. Input the "Title" of the calculation, the "Designer/Checker" information and the variables.
Use 3/8 in rebar with an area of 0.11 sq in. Click on the "Calculate" button and read the results. The spiral pitch, s = 1.931 in. Use s = 1.75 in.

4. Finally determine the clear space between spirals. From the concrete columns submenu open the concrete columns spiral clear distance calculation, SpiralClearDist.aspx. Input the "Title" of the calculation, the "Designer/Checker" information and the variables.
Click on the "Calculate" button and read the results. The spiral clear distance = 1.375 in.

5. Summary
The outside column diameter is 15.25 in. The column core diameter is 12.25 in. The area of steel reinforcement, Ast = 3.57 sq in. ACI 318 requires at least six bars
to be used. Use six no. 7 bars with an area of 3.607 sq in. Use 3/8 inch spiral reinforcement with a spiral pitch equal to 1.75 inches and a clear space between spirals of 1.375 inches.