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Check Flexural and Shear Stress In Unreinforced Masonry Wall:
Metric Units
(Note: All input Metric units are converted to English units for the equations below and then the output English units are converted back to Metric)
ASD Chapter 2, MSJC Code, check flexural and shear stresses in unreinforced non-load bearing masonry wall subjected to lateral loads only with no axial load:
Running bond not solid grout or stack bond with open end units and solid grout.
Masonry in running bond and solidly grouted.
Stack bond masonry with other than open end.
Allowable tensile stress of masonry, due to flexure (bending) only (Fb - psi or MPa)
Moment on unit length of wall due to lateral load (M - in-lb/ft or N-m/m )
Section modulus of masonry unit (S - in^3/ft or mm^3/m)
Maximum design shear (V - lb/ft or N/m)
Net area of masonry (An - in^2/ft or mm^2/m)
Specified compressive stress of masonry unit (f'm - psi or MPa)
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Bending stress on the masonry, fb = M/S
Shear stress on masonry, fv =
Allowable shear stress, Fv =
If fb <= Fb and fv <= Fv then wall design is sufficient.
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