Calculation: |
Designer/Checker: |
Input: |
(Note: All input Metric units are converted to English units
for the equations below and then the output English units are converted back to
Metric) |
AWC 2012 NDS Manual For Wood Construction 3.7-1, Column Stability Factor. |
The following is for calculating the column stability factor for a wood column
square or round. |
Reference design value for compression (Fc - psi or kPa) |
Minimum Modulus of Elasticity (Emin - psi or kPa) |
Effective length of the column (le - in or cm) |
Dimension of the face of the column (d - in or cm) |
Load duration factor (Cd - for ASD only) |
Wet service factor (Cm) |
Temperature factor (Ct) |
Incising factor (Ci) |
Size factor (Cf) |
Buckling stiffness factor (CT) |
Time effect factor (TEF - for LRFD only) |
Output: |
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Column Stability Factor, Cp = |