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Design of Concrete Floors-on-Grade: 
(Reference: Unified Facility Design Criteria - Concrete Floor Slabs on Grade Subjected to Heavy Loads)
Floors - Max. Stationary LL
  • Calculate the maximum stationary live load that concrete slab-on-grade floor can support.
Floors - Thickness For Sta. LL
  • Calculate the minimum thickness required for a concrete slab-on-grade floor to support a stationary live load.
Floors - Traffic Loads
  • Calculate the required concrete slab-on-grade floor thickness required to support traffic loads.
Floors on Modified Soil
  • Calculate the required floor thickness for a concrete slab-on-grade floor supported by a stabilized/modified soil subgrade.
Floors - Reinforced Slab Length
  • Calculate the maximum length of steel reinforced slab-on-grade floors.
Floors - Required Reinforcement
  • Calculate the minimum steel reinforcement required to reduce the required slab-on-grade concrete thickness by two or three inches.
Concrete - Flexural Strength
  • Calculate the approximate flexural strength of concrete (S'c) from the 28 day compressive strength (f'c).
Concrete - Compressive Strength
  • Calculate the approximate 28 day compressive strength of concrete (f'c) from the 28 day flexural strength (S'c).
California Bearing Ratio, CBR
  • Calculate the California Bearing Ratio, CBR, from the Modulus of Soil Reaction, k.
Modulus of Soil Reaction, k
  • Calculate the Modulus of Soil Reaction, k from the California Bearing Ratio, CBR.
Floors - Max. Edge Wall Load
  • Calculate the maximum wall load that the edge of a concrete slab-on-grade floor can support.
Floors - Edge Wall Ld Thickness
  • Calculate the thickness of the edge of a concrete slab-on-grade floor required to support a wall load.
Floors - Center/Joint Wall Load
  • Calculate the maximum wall load that the maximum wall load that a concrete slab-on-grade floor can support at a joint or at the center/interior of the slab.
Floors - Ctr Wall Ld Thickness
  • Calculate the required thickness of a concrete slab-on-grade floor to support a wall load at the center/interior or on a joint.
Floors - Fiber Reinforcement
  • Calculate the minimum thickness of a fiber reinforced slab-on-grade floor to support traffic loads.
Floors - Fiber Deflection
  • Calculate the deflection of a fiber reinforced concrete slab-on-grade floor under traffic loading.
Floors - Fiber Allowable Defl.
  • Calculate the allowable deflection for a fiber reinforced concrete slab-on-grade floor.
Design Problem 1.
  • Calculate the required thickness of a concrete slab-on-grade for a warehouse floor.

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