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Retention/Detention Pond Routing - Up to 24 Hour Storm:
*Referencing Part 630, Hydrology, Chapter 16, Hydrographs, National Engineering Handbook, USDA, NRCS this calculation is to be used to route the flood hydrograph for a watershed and up to a 24 hour SCS design storm through a retention/detention pond.
Time of concentration (tc - hr)
Gamma equation shape factor (m)
Design Storm:
Rainfall (P - in or mm)
Drainage area curve number (CN)
Drainage area (Am - sq mi or sq km)
Pond bottom elevation (ELb - ft or m)
Maximum pond stage elevation (ELt - ft or m)
Area of pond bottom (SAb - sf or m^2)
Max stage water surface area (SAt - sf or m^2)

Outlet Structure 1:
Outlet Dimension (OD1)  
Structure opening elevation (Eo1 - ft or m)  
Outlet Coeficient (Co1)  
Pipe only: pipe length (L1 - ft or m)
Outlet Structure 2:
Outlet Dimension (OD2)  
Structure opening elevation (Eo2 - ft or m)  
Outlet Coeficient (Co2)  
Pipe only: pipe length (L2 - ft or m)
Outlet Structure 3:
Outlet Dimension (OD3)  
Structure opening elevation (Eo3 - ft or m)  
Outlet Coeficient (Co3)  
Pipe only: pipe length (L3 - ft or m)
Calculate Pond Infiltration Recovery:
Unsaturated vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kvu - ft/day or m/day)
Factor of safety, typically 2 (FS)
Elevation of ambient water table (Ewt - ft or m)
Fillable porosity (f)
Equivalent Pond length (L - ft or m)
Equivalent Pond width (W - ft or m)
Elevation of base of aquifer (Eb - ft or m)
Hydraulic conductivity of aquifer (k - ft/day or m/day)
Porosity of material in pond (mp)

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Time to peak, tp =
Unit peak discharge, qp =
Sum of dimensionless DUH coordinates =
Nondimensional time interval of DUH =
Peak rate factor, PRF =
Volume entering pond =
Pond storage volume, Vs =
Total Vertical Unsaturated Flow Volume =
Vertical Unsaturated Flow Volume Remaining =
Vertical Unsaturated Flow Recovery Time =
Saturated Lateral Flow Recovery Time =
Total Recovery Time =

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