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Stormwater Retention/Detention Pond Design:
Hydrograph Method
Calculate detention storage volume required to keep the post development discharge below the predevelopment discharge using the hydrograph method.
Triangle Hydrograph Method
Calculate detention storage volume required to keep the post development discharge below the predevelopment discharge using the triangle hydrograph method.
SCS Detention Volume
Calculate detention storage volume required to keep the post development discharge below the predevelopment discharge using SCS detention volume method.
Pond Storage Volume
Calculate storage volume of a stormwater retention/detention pond using the double-end area method.
Stage Storage Depth
Calculate depth and water surface elevation of a storage volume in a stormwater retention/detention pond using the stage-storage relationship.
Estimate Pond Discharge
Calculate detention/retention pond peak discharge from the known pond storage volume.
Pipe Outlet Control
Calculate the required diameter for a pipe outlet flow control to match the pre-development peak runoff rate for a stormwater retention or detention pond.
Pipe Outlet Control Discharge
Calculate the discharge from a pipe outlet flow control for a stormwater retention or detention pond.
Orifice Outlet Control
Calculate the required area for an orifice outlet flow control under free discharge to match the pre-development peak runoff rate for a stormwater retention or detention pond.
Orifice Outlet Control Discharge
Calculate the discharge for an orifice outlet flow control under free discharge for a stormwater retention or detention pond.
FHWA Orifice Outlet Control
Calculate the required area from an orifice outlet flow control under free discharge to match the pre-development peak runoff rate for a stormwater retention or detention pond using the FHWA formula.
FHWA Orifice Outlet Control Discharge
Calculate the discharge from an orifice outlet flow control under free discharge for a stormwater retention or detention pond using the FHWA formula.
FHWA Circular Orifice Outlet Control
Calculate the required diameter for a circular orifice outlet flow control under free discharge to match the pre-development peak runoff rate for a stormwater retention or detention pond using the FHWA formula.
FHWA Circular Orifice Outlet Control Discharge
Calculate the discharge from a circular orifice outlet flow control under free discharge for a stormwater retention or detention pond using the FHWA formula.
Weir Outlet Control
Calculate the required length of weir for a weir outlet flow control under free discharge to match the pre-development peak runoff rate for a stormwater retention or detention pond.
Weir Outlet Control Discharge
Calculate the discharge from a weir outlet flow control under free discharge for a stormwater retention or detention pond.
V-Notch Weir Outlet Control
Calculate the required angle for a V-notch weir outlet flow control under free discharge to match the pre-development peak runoff rate for a stormwater retention or detention pond.
V-Notch Weir Outlet Control Discharge
Calculate the discharge from a V-notch weir outlet flow control under free discharge for a stormwater retention or detention pond.
Underdrain Spacing
Calculate the required spacing for the laterals of an underdrain system for a stormwater retention or detention pond.
Underdrain Lateral Area
Calculate the area served by each lateral and the total area served for an underdrain system for a stormwater retention or detention pond.
Underdrain Discharge
Calculate the discharge from an underdrain system for a stormwater retention or detention pond.
Unsaturated Vertical Infiltration
Calculate vertical unsaturated infiltration recovery for a retention/detention pond.
Saturated Horizontal Infiltration - AW
Calculate horizontal saturated infiltration recovery for a retention/detention pond using the Andreyev and Wiseman Method.
Saturated Horizontal Infiltration - SAM
Calculate horizontal saturated infiltration recovery for a retention/detention pond using the Simplified Analytical Method.
SCS Pond Routing - 24 hr
Route up to a 24 hour SCS storm hydrograph for a watershed area through a retention/detention pond.
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